I hate waste

October 27, 2024

I hate waste.

So much so, I'm a Director of a charity that provides a food bank and social supermarket. But this post isn't about food.

This is about wasting time. I'm not a numbers person, but I've sat down and worked out that a third of the roles I've been given this year to work on, have not come to fruition. They've gone nowhere. They've been put on hold. The role has been filled internally.  There is a whole host of reasons.  Reasons that I thought I'd investigated thoroughly before taking on the work, but it appears that they still just disappeared. Poof - gone........

So that's time and money spent on them, which is why you will have seen that I'm now doing something completely different and innovative within the recruitment industry in terms of billing.

I have had the most fun recently, working with a new client, who is really open to who joins his growing team. He thinks outside of the box and is open to suggestions.  He has filled every empty seat.

I am now only using my HR and recruitment expertise to be able to help the companies that are really, really wanting to recruit.

So how have I been spending my time this year, if I have not been placing candidates?

I have spent a lot of time mentoring young people. This is something I absolutely love.  Being able to match a young person to a career or job, unpick the reasons they are unemployed and remove the barriers to help them into work. I have continued to work with Doorway, a youth homeless charity, in Nuneaton.  Doorway put a roof over their head and I help them keep it by mentoring them into meaningful work, which means they are more likely to stay in that job and hopefully we've broken the cycle and have change somebody's life. What’s not to love?

But the social enterprise part business can only succeed if there is a commercial side to fund it. So please take a look at the new model and see who would like recruitment expertise tailored to their business.

My ideal client – somebody who is motivated to recruit and somebody who can make decisions. This could be the MD, who is time poor or perhaps they're an inexperienced manager, and they need somebody to be able to guide them through the recruitment process. Either way, I hold their hand until the vacancy is filled. So please look into it and see if this is a fit for you, or maybe it's a company that you can recommend me to.

Why am I putting this blog together on a Sunday?

That's a very good question. I'm a working mum, and it's half term, so you need to snatch each piece of time that you get and I'm away at the end of the week, so am making every moment count.  

But also it's National Mentoring Day. And seeing as I truly proud of this work, let's make sure that the revenue earning side keeps going and we can change the narrative for 2024. We’re in Q4 now and I would love to fill some vacancies. Let's do this!!!

I didn't go into recruitment to be a millionaire, and thank goodness, because that is clearly not going to happen anytime soon! 

If anybody has any thoughts on what madness has happened in 2024 please comment, because I'd love to know your take on it. Is it this challenging for everyone?

Get in touch

If you feel we could be a match and you would like to explore how we could work together, then please get in touch